The Ngow Family Foundation is a private family foundation based in Maketu, New Zealand. We contribute by committing our time, skills, resources, energy and funds towards various humanity, literacy, educational, environment and wildlife protection organizations in New Zealand and around the World.
World Vision Children Education CambodiaStarship Children HospitalBornean Sun Bear Conservation CentreUnited Nations International Children’s Emergency FundNew Zealand Bhikkhuni Semenggoh Orangutan Reserve BorneoNew Zealand Society of Authors The right to freedom of expressionVimutti Monastary AucklandEnglish Language PartnersNational Foundation for deafKokutukutu Gully Native Trees Restoration MaketuLiteracy AotearoaRotary MaketuVincent House Mental Rehab CentreSanctuary Mountain Wildlife ReserveMaketu Primary SchoolAyya Adhimutti